Daybreak's Island Night Luau

5:00 pm-7:00 pm or 8:00 pm-10:00 pm
SoDa Row: 11274 S Kestrel Rise Rd

Experience Polynesia's color, food, dances, and music in an incredible night of island culture. Learn about six Polynesian islands, indulge in authentic foods, and experience dances of the islands, such as the Hula, Haka, Slap Dance and more.

RecDesk is a service managed by the HOA that allows residents to sign up for resident amenities, such as watercraft rentals, fitness classes, etc. Although separate from the HOA, LiveDAYBREAK uses RecDesk for events that require pre-registration. Instructions for creating an account and ensuring it is up to date are included on the button link. 
Attendees need to reverse their tickets to ensure they can access the event. Please use the buttons below for the intended Daybreak and Resident Guest Registration. 

Owning Residents Registration - REC DESK
This event is free to owning residents. Non-owning residents will be charged $10

Residents Guest Registration - Sparxo

This is for Daybreak residents guests who do not have access to RecDesk.
Registration costs $10 per person, and attendees must select a timeslot. An add-on is available for ladybug purchases at the following link:

LiveDAYBREAK is funded by Community Enhancement Fees (CE Fees). CE Fees are collected at the closing of each property sale within Daybreak. The fees collected are used to support community programs, clubs, grants, and events.

Look at what might be in store; check out this recap!

2020 Event
It took Rusty Croft about 12-hours to create the sandcastle from beginning to end starting at 8 AM. Here is a time-lapse video of the build.

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