Ash Tree Replacements

Tree Replacement Application Fee Waived
We’ve noticed that the park strip trees throughout our community have been struggling. As a result, the Daybreak Community Association is waiving application fees for ash tree replacements. If you are looking to replace your ash tree, we have a list of pre-approved replacements to make the process easier. The first person to apply and receive approval for a replacement tree on your street will determine the replacement tree for homeowners in that area. If you would like to replace your existing tree with the same type of tree, approval is not required.

What is the process to apply to replace my ash tree?
1. Review the list of pre-approved replacement trees.
2. Fill out a Landscape Application and submit it (no fee) to our Design Review Coordinators, Jaimie Morris ( and Marissa Burridge ( for the proposed ash tree replacement.
3. A letter will be sent to the homeowner on the behalf of the Master Association Design Review Committee after it is reviewed. If approved, the tree(s) may be installed. Please note that additional approval may be required for  Sub-Associations.

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