Introducing the Waterside Club Committee for Lake Village

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The Waterside Club Committee is Daybreak’s newest committee for Lake Village. Formed just a few weeks ago, the six committee members are led by chair, Lisa Radke. Other members include Ty Brooks, Matt Baker, Jack Hepworth, Alicia Summers and Jodie Milad. Their vision is to give a voice to Lake Village residents and keep the neighborhood and Waterside Club in great condition. Residents can use the committee as a tool to share comments or information with the Daybreak Community Association. The group plans to get feedback on Lake Village needs in order to communicate with the HOA. Their role will also be to get bids for any work done on the Waterside Club and suggest improvements to the area.

Lisa mentioned that this committee will help Lake Village residents have better communication and work together to make their neighborhood a wonderful place to live. She has started a Facebook group called Lake Village People to help other residents share information with everything from lost dogs to helpful tips. Lisa said the group is anxious to maintain Lake Village’s condition and even improve it as much as possible.

The committee meets monthly and is still getting efforts organized. They will provide ways of contacting them, but if residents have comments or questions they can join the Facebook Group to reach the committee.

Click to see the committee charter.

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