Daybreak Water Conservation During Utah's Extreme Drought

Daybreak Water Conservation 

With the current state of emergency and severe drought in Utah, Daybreak is focused on water conservation. The governor’s newest order, Executive Order 2021-10, addresses ongoing drought concerns and encourages implementing water restrictions and conservation efforts. Each city also has implemented slightly different restrictions and, as part of the City of South Jordan, we are working closely with city representatives to be in compliance with those restrictions as they are implemented.

At this time, the Association is continuing to work through the drought conditions and impacts on our common area landscaping while upholding city and state restrictions. Below are the ways Daybreak is being proactive in its water conservation.

Design. The Daybreak Community was designed from the beginning using drought-tolerant approaches to landscaping in our common areas as part of our commitment to sustainability. The majority of our open spaces feature a healthy amount of native, drought-tolerant planting materials and a reduced amount of turf. The water-wise native grass landscaping lowers water usage throughout the community.

Secondary Water. Another important element is Daybreak's utilization of secondary water for more than 85% of the community's open spaces. Although this resource is still impacted by the ongoing drought conditions, Daybreak is designed to limit culinary water use as much as possible in common spaces.

Irrigation. Daybreak common areas have an advanced program called WeatherTrak with controllers that help prevent watering during inclement weather and allows the Association to track water usage among the larger green spaces. The smart irrigation controllers carefully manage water consumption by adjusting to weather conditions in real-time. It sends our operations team and landscapers alerts of possible leaks, or continuous watering so there can be a tech onsite as soon as possible.

Watering Schedules. The operations team and landscaping vendors are making efforts to adjust our watering schedules to follow recommendations in Governor Cox’s executive order.

Midday Irrigation. Many residents wonder why we irrigate open space during the middle of the day. With the sheer amount of open space in Daybreak, the water window timing is often driven by system capacity limits. Watering must be done on a rotating basis, and this sometimes requires watering during daylight hours. We do not have enough water pressure at any one time to water the entire community at night.

Water Allocations. Daybreak's landscaping contractors must attend a monthly meeting with the Daybreak Water Company to evaluate water allocations. If there are any overages, contractors must explain the usages needs and are charged for overuse of water.

Planning Ahead. Realizing in early spring that significant restrictions would be likely during the summer, Daybreak proactively formulated a plan that takes into account Daybreak’s unique irrigation design and needs. The intent of the plan was to significantly cut back water to native areas in early summer as the heat dramatically increases, to promote early seeding. The native areas will be a bit more dry, but the seeding will hopefully be sufficient to reestablish those areas next spring.

Ongoing Review. The Daybreak management team reviews weekly irrigation reports regarding usage to focus on areas of concern as they arise and holds monthly meetings to coordinate the efforts of vendors. Guidelines are being re-evaluated every two weeks. We are completing weekly site visits with landscaping supervisors to keep our community beautiful while upholding the state's restrictions.

Water Restrictions. At this time, the Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District does not have any specific restrictions in place for the City of South Jordan. However, the operations team is working with our landscape vendors to discuss adopting any forthcoming restrictions as well as plan additional conservancy measures and we have spoken with most of our native area managers about continued dial-backs of watering. 

Resident Involvement. Although the Association supports water conservation through extensive efforts, sprinklers and other water systems might become damaged. Please report any water issues to the Association office as quickly as possible so our vendors can address them immediately. If you encounter an irrigation issue, please contact us at

Water-Wise Landscape. Residents can use the community design guidebook to assist them in planting and implementing drought-tolerant strategies in their own yards. See our guidelines>>

Community Standards. The worsening conditions are beginning to show in our common area landscape, as well as in resident yards. Although we are conserving water, that does not mean we should use zero water. As the landscape gets drier, so does the risk of fire. Please continue to weed and work within the water restrictions to maintain your landscape. As a homeowner facing the same challenges as the Association, please know that we'll work together to address any issues related to lack of water. We know that some issues will arise that are out of homeowner and association control. If you're experiencing any challenges related to lack of water or have questions or concerns, please reach out to your community standards manager, Victoria Anderson via email at We appreciate your partnership in keeping the community looking its best through obstacles beyond our control.

The Daybreak Community Association is committed to doing our part to conserve water and will monitor the conditions as they evolve throughout the season. Please contact our office if you have any questions regarding water conservation in the community.


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