LiveDAYBREAK Teen Leadership Council Application



Home Address:

Best Way to Communicate:

Personal Information:
Parent/Guardian Details:
List up to five activities in which you have participated during the last two years:

Why would you like to join the LiveDAYBREAK Teen Leadership Council?

What projects/events would you like to organize or see offered to the teens of Daybreak?

Are you interested in holding a Council leadership role? Please list which one(s) you are
interested in (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer). Leadership roles are elected by
Teen Council members, and are termed for a one year period.

If selected to be a member of the LiveDAYBREAK Teen Leadership Council, you agree to the following:
- Attend bi-monthly Teen Leadership Council meetings held the 2nd & 4Th Tuesday of each month
(excluding Holidays) from 6-7 pm and is subject to change for the 2019-2020 year
- Be present for 80% of all council meetings, activities, and events, unless previously excused
- Participate and be engaged in the planning and execution of quarterly projects and events
- Volunteer at a minimum of 3 LiveDAYBREAK events over the course of the year
- Complete 30 service hours over the course of the year
- Advance the mission of LiveDAYBREAK



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