


The ultimate goal of community standards staff is to keep the community beautiful through compliance and resolving owner violations. Please see Exhibit D in the governing documents to reference many of the below community standards. 

Lifecycle of Violation


Common Compliance Reminders

Trash cans need to be placed out of public view on non-trash collecting days. Daybreak's trash pick up day is Wednesday. Place your trash and recycling cans at least three feet apart and three feet from mailboxes, utility poles, fences, etc. All trash must be inside the container. Items outside the container will not be collected. If your garbage or recycling service was missed or you need to replace or repair a trash can, call your waste management service.

How can I keep my trash cans out of sight?
Please keep cans stored in the garage or behind the backyard fence where they are not visible from public view.

Trash Enclosures
Trash cans may be placed behind an approved trash enclosure. See required fencing application for details prior to installation.

Governing Documents: Exhibit D: Initial Rules
2. Restricted Activities (j)
Garbage or recycling containers must be out of view except for the time beginning at dusk on the day before the scheduled pickup and ending at the conclusion of the day of the scheduled pickup. Wednesday is trash pick up day. Trash and recycle containers must be kept in the garage, behind an approved privacy fence, or within an approved trash enclosure.

  • Only 3 pets per household are allowed and pets are limited to 2 per species (e.g., two dogs). This is also a South Jordan City ordinance. All breeds of dogs are allowed. 
  • Keep dogs on a leash at all times while off owner’s property. 
  • Dogs must be licensed with the city.
  • If dogs are on tie outs, they should not be able to reach public walkways, green spaces or parks. 
  • Avoid allowing excessive barking from dogs.  
  • Please pick up pet waste on and off your property. While picking up pet waste is part of responsible pet ownership and overall the polite thing to do, there are many reasons why we should all do it:
  1. Pet waste is not good for grass or plants as a fertilizer like other animal waste. Pet waste is acidic and actually damages the grass.
  2. Pet waste can contain disease-causing bacteria and parasites like Salmonella, Coccidia, Roundworms, Tapeworms, Parvo, Giardia and E. coli, which can stay in soil for years and make people and other dogs very sick.
  3. Pet waste can take as long as a year to completely break down naturally.
  4. What is the best way to pick up after your pet? Bag securely and throw away. Dispose of bagged waste in a trash bin where it cannot contaminate the ecosystem. Do not flush; the waste water system was not designed for pet waste and even flushable bags can clog plumbing.
Lease terms must be for no less than 30 consecutive days in length and homeowners must live in home for a period of 12 months, prior to leasing. Please refer to the leasing page for more details. 
Trailers,  ATV's, RVs and watercraft are not to be parked in residential driveways or on streets for more than 24 hours within any 4-day period for the purpose of unloading or loading.  The Association can tag these vehicles, but the City of South Jordan will tow or ticket vehicles in violation. Homeowners are permitted to wash vehicles in driveways. 
Non-permanent holiday lights and displays can be set up starting October 1 and illuminated November 15 through January 15. All decor and non-permanent lights must be removed from the exterior of the home by April 1 of the following calendar year.

Learn more here
Removing weeds, replacing low levels of mulch and maintaining lawns are all a part of Daybreak's high-quality home landscaping. Homeowners of newly built properties have 18 months to install landscaping. Please submit a design review application before starting any modifications.
If you are planning on running a business from your home in Daybreak, please fill out one of the below applications to gain approval from the board. Email the complete form to Skyler Beaves at 

In accordance with Salt Lake County’s Noise Control Regulation, quiet hours are between 10 pm and 7 am throughout Daybreak.  If you have specific issues with any late-hour noises, please get in touch with South Jordan Police Department at the non-emergency line: (801) 840-4000.

Paint and Stain

Homes in Daybreak's climate often require a new coat of paint every 4-10 years, so it's important for homeowners to plan ahead and save for this expense. The frequency at which you should repaint your home will depend on various factors, such as the color and type of siding. Additionally, if your home faces the sun or has bright colors, it may need to be painted more often. Keeping these factors in mind can help you plan for this expense.

With Daybreak's climate, fences often need a fresh coat of stain. Fences will need to be stained about every 5 years. Often an entire street needs to stain their fences so neighbors have joined together to paint the street in one weekend. The Design Review Committee offers three stain vendor options but all are the same color. 

See Fence Stain Options and Maintenance 

Compliance Committee

This committee is the hearing tribunal for the Board of Directors and consists of all resident members.

Committee Members

  • Paul Morrien - Chair
  • Cindy Costa - Co-Chair
  • Rohit Malik
  • Colin Williamson
  • Tammy Cause
  • Gary Sommercorn
  • Carol Sancho
Community Standards Committee Charter
Community Standards Committee Application

Note: Meetings are usually on the second Thursday of each month in the evening but can vary.

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