January V.A.C Award: Kate Garner

LiveDAYBREAK wants to highlight Kate Garner as our outstanding VAC member of the month!

Over the past three years, Kate's involvement in the Daybreak Teen Council hasunnamed (6) - Copy enabled her to cultivate a passion for serving others. Through this experience, she has not only become an active member of her community but has also honed valuable skills in planning, communication, and leadership. Volunteering at LiveDaybreak events, such as the Pumpkin Regatta, has provided her with diverse opportunities to contribute, fostering her growth in confidence and interpersonal skills. As a Senior at Herriman High School, Kate aspires to leverage these lessons in her college journey and future career. With ambitions to become a cardiothoracic surgeon or an anesthesiologist, her long-term goal involves traveling to underdeveloped countries to provide much-needed medical care.

We want to once again thank Kate for all of the time and effort she has put into helping us plan and execute events. Kate, thank you again for all you do for LiveDAYBREAK and the rest of the community!

About LiveDAYBREAK’s Volunteer Activities Council Spotlight:
LiveDAYBREAK created this program in an effort to recognize exceptional residents who are members of the Volunteer Activities Council. Every other month a lucky member will be spotlighted in the LiveDAYBREAK newsletter and on LiveDAYBREAK.com. If you would like to become a member of the Volunteer Activities Council.

 visit The Volunteer activities council page

Learn more about the V.A.C. Award

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